Thischapter describes detail instructions on the product and its accessories.
1.1 Package Contents
Pleasecheck all package contents before using your product.
Remote Control SCART Cable Batteries
User's Manual Quick Guide CD-ROM
• Sincefaults may occur if the remote control is being left without a battery for a long time, always keep the battery
insertedin the remote control.
• CD-ROMcontains USB driver and application.
• Packagecontents can be changeable according to the area.
• Thecompany shall not be liable for problems caused by changing hard disk drive by user.
• Thisproduct provides best performance with Seagate ST3160022ACE(160G) Hard Disk Drive.
• Thecompany shall not be liable for problems caused by the installation of hard discs bigger than 160GB.
1.Before Using the ProductGB 8