Views Menu Tab
From any view, press the MENU key twice to
access the tabbed Main Menu System, then
press the RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control key until
the Views tab is selected. This menu tab allows
you to set the available views to either hidden
or visible in the view rotation. The view will be
removed from the view rotation if it is set to
Hidden and will be displayed in the view
rotation if it is set to Visible. The following views
are available:
• Bird's Eye No Readouts View
• Bird's Eye View
• Bird's Eye Big Digits View
• Chart No Readouts View
• Chart View
• Chart Big Digits View
• Instrument View
• Screen Snapshot View
• Self Test
• Accessory Test
• GPS Diagnostic View.
To Change the View Status of Any View:
1. Highlight the View main menu tab.
2. Use the UP or DOWN 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to select a View.
3. Use the LEFT or RIGHT 4-WAY Cursor Control keys to change the status
of the view from Hidden to Visible.
Views Menu