8You may also choose Bird's Eye Big Digits Viewor Bird's Eye No ReadoutsView if you prefer.

NOTE: Bird's Eye Big Digits View, Chart Big Digits View, and Instrument View all share the

same set of 8 readouts. When you change the readouts display on one of these three views,

you are also changing them on the other two views. See Navigation X-Press™ menu: Select

Readouts for more information.

Bird's Eye Big Digits View

Next Waypoint
in the Route
TTG: Time to Go to
Next Waypoint
DTG: Distance to Go
to Next Waypoint
Latitude and
Longitude Position
of Boat
XTE: Cross
Track Error
SOG: Speed
Over Ground
Last Waypoint
in the Route
TTG: Time to Go
to Last Waypoint
DTG: Distance to
Go to Last
COG: Course
Over Ground