Capacity Upgrade on Demand (CUoD)
iSeries CUoD was first introduced for the iSeries in the fall of 2002. At that time, CUoD was synonymous with permanent processor capacity. CUoD provided iSeries customers who purchased an iSeries model with standby capacity
What’s new in 2003
!CUoD and On/Off CoD are available on iSeries Model 825, 870, 890 (new processor features)
!On/Off CoD ... ability to temporarily activate processor capacity
!Low cost processor activations for Linux
!Simpler fulfillment process for permanent activations (no field VPD required)
With the introduction of the 2003 product line, iSeries once again will be among the leaders in this space by complementing the existing offering called CUoD with a brand new capability called On/Off CoD. On/Off CoD, means a customer, can turn processor capacity on/off to satisfy business peaks. You simply request a number of processors be temporarily made available for a specific number of days ... you will be billed for whatever you requested at the end of each calendar quarter. Like renting, this flexibility is more expensive in the long run than buying, the approximate
An added benefit of the new function called On/Off CoD, are Bonus Processor Days. There is nothing else like it in the market today. With the initial order and fulfillment of a TCOD Enablement Feature (no charge feature) comes fourteen bonus days of temporary capacity ... you will not be billed for the first 14 days of temporary capacity you request from the server.