First /Second/Third/Other Boot Device: The BIOS attempts to load the operat- ing system from the devices in the sequence selected in these items.

The choice: Floppy, LS120, HDD, SCSI, CDROM, Disabled.

Swap Floppy Drive: This will swap your physical drive letters A & B if you are using two floppy disks. The default is Disabled.

Enabled: Floppy A & B will be swapped under the O/S.

Disabled: Floppy A & B will be not swapped.

Boot Up Floppy Seek: During Power-On-Self-Test (POST), BIOS will deter- mine if the floppy disk drive installed is 40 or 80 tracks. Only 360K type is 40 tracks while 760K, 1.2MB and 1.44MB are all 80 tracks. The default is Enabled. Enabled: The BIOS will search the floppy disk drive to determine if it is 40 or

80 tracks.

Disabled: The BIOS will not search for the type of floppy disk drive by track number.

Note: BIOS can not tell the difference between 720K, 1.2MB and 1.44MB drive types as they are all 80 tracks.

Boot Up NumLock Status: This controls the state of the NumLock key when the system boots. The default is On.

On: The keypad acts as a 10-key pad.

Off: The keypad acts like the cursor keys.

Gate A20 Option: This refers to the way the system addresses memory above 1MB (extended memory). The default is Normal.

Normal: The A20 signal is controlled by the keyboard controller or chipset hardware.

Fast: The A20 signal is controlled by Port 92 or chipset specific method.

Typematic Rate Setting: This determines the keystrokes repeat rate. The default is Disabled.

Enabled: Allows typematic rate and typematic delay programming.

Disabled: The typematic rate and typematic delay will be controlled by the keyboard controller in your system.

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IBM specifications EP-8KTA Bios