Appendix A. Computer Records
This appendix contains forms for recording information about your computer,
which can be helpful if you decide to install additional hardware, or if you ever
need to have your computer serviced.

Serial Numbers and Keys

Record and retain the following information.
The model and type (M/T) numbers and the serial number (S/N) for your
computer are located on a label on the front of the computer, as shown in the
illustration that follows.
Serial Number
Your computer keys cannot be duplicated by locksmiths. If you lose them, order
replacement keys from the key manufacturer. The key serial number and the
address of the manufacturer are on a tag attached to the keys. Anyone who has the
key serial number and manufacturer's address can order duplicate keys, so store the
tag in a safe place. If you record the key serial number on this page, either remove
Product Name PC 365 with Pentium Pro Processor
Model/Type (M/T)
Serial Number (S/N)
Key Serial Number
Key Address
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 107