This book will help you become familiar with your IBM Personal Computer and its
many features. It describes how to configure, operate, and maintain your PC. In
the unlikely event you experience problems, you will also find helpful
troubleshooting information, as well as instructions for obtaining service in this
The book is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, "Your IBM Personal Computer," contains an overview of the features
of your PC.
Chapter 2, "Arranging Your Workspace," contains information about setting up
your work area to optimize use of your computer. Safety considerations are
also discussed.
Chapter 3, "Operating Your Computer," contains instructions for using your PC,
including configuration, startup, and shutdown procedures. Instructions for
using the Configuration/Setup Utility program are included in this chapter.
Chapter 4, "Taking Care of Your Computer," contains information about the
proper handling and care of your PC.
Chapter 5, "Solving Problems," contains information that will help you identify
and correct problems that might arise as you use your computer.
Chapter 6, "Getting Help, Service, and Information," contains a description of
the wide variety of resources available from IBM to assist you in the use of your
PC. This chapter also describes how to obtain additional information about IBM
Appendix A, "Computer Records," contains forms for recording information
about your PC, which can be helpful if you decide to install any additional
options, or if you ever need to have your PC serviced.
Appendix B, "Product Warranties, License Information, and Notices," contains a
copy of the warranty and license agreement for your computer, as well as legal
notices and trademark information.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 xi