Appendix C. License Information
The license information in this booklet is for IBM and non-IBM logo programs
covered by the IBM International Program License Agreement.
Some programs referred to in this booklet might not be available in all languages or
in all countries. Some programs might be different from the retail versions and
might be customized to work only with the product with which they are shipped.
These programs might not include all documentation or functions. Not all
programs are sold separately.

Program Name

System Programs

Additional Terms and Conditions

Authorization for Copy and Use on Home/Portable Computer: Not applicable for
these programs.
Transfer of Program: Programs are transferable with written consent from the party
(IBM or its reseller) from whom you acquired the program.
Proof of Entitlement: The Proof of Purchase for the computer that contains these
programs should be retained in order to support eligibility provided by IBM or its
authorized reseller for warranty services, future upgrade program prices (if
announced), potential special or promotional opportunities (if any), and as evidence
of the end user's authorized use of these IBM-licensed programs.
Technical support for programs provided with your system is available on a limited
basis. See the publications provided with your system for details.

Program Services

Availability/Duration of Program Services: No program services are available for
these programs.
Statement of Service: No program services are available. These licensed programs
are provided "AS IS."
Copyright IBM Corp. 1997 115