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1 With the Macintosh on, insert the
QMS Software Utilities CD-ROM in your
Macintosh’s CD-ROM drive.
2 If necessary, double-click the CD-ROM icon to display the CD-ROM contents.
3 Double-click the PLATFORM folder icon to display the folder contents.
4 Double-click the MAC folder icon to display the folder contents.
5 Double-click the INSTALL icon.
6 In the dialog box that appears, verify the Install location.
To change the Install Location you can either use the drop-down list box to display
and select the appropriate disk, or you can choose the Switch Disk button to scroll
through the available disks.
7 Also in the dialog box, choose Easy Install or Custom Install.
Easy Install automatically installs the PPDs, the screen fonts, the util ities
installer, and PDFs (if needed.)
Custom Install allows you to choose the options you want to install. This is
used to install software for older QMS products. The amount of available
space on your hard disk and the amount of space necessar y for all of the
selected options are indicated near the bottom of the window.
If you're using Custom Install, you can click the small icon (it looks like a capital I inside a square) to the right of each install option for more information about that option.8 Choose the QMS 3260 or the QMS 4032.
9 Choose the Install button to begin.
Installation takes only a few minutes. The Installer places all of the options ins ide a
newly created QMS ffolder in the location you chose in step 6.
10 When the installation is finished, you're prompted to choose either Con-
tinue, Restart, or Quit.
Continue allows for additional installations of the software, Restart is req uired if
items were installed in the system folder, and Quit exits the installer program.