''/'7" $
" !%1 Make sure the printer is idle.
IDLE displays in the message window.
2 Press the Online button to take the printer off line.
The Online indicator is not lighted.
3 Press the Menu button.
To ensure that you don’t lose any of your custom configuration settings,
before making any configuration changes, you should print an advanced status page.
The following table shows how to use control panel buttons to a ccess the printer con-
figuration menu. Press the control panel buttons in the order s hown. The printer
responds by displaying a status message or conf iguration menu in the message win-
Menu Administration/Miscellaneous/Keypad Language
Purpose Change the message window language.
Choices English, French, German, Spanish
Default English
Notes The printer must be restarted for changes to this menu to take effect. You can
either let the printer restart automatically after you save the change and exit
from the configuration menu, or you can wait for the change to take effect the
next time you manually turn on the printer.