IBM SC41-5210-04 manual Define Spooled Output

Models: SC41-5210-04

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If you type the name of a form, it must be a form name that has been defined on the system. After the query runs and the output is ready to be printed, a message appears on the console telling the operator to change the forms in the associated printer to the forms type that you specified by name.

Completing this display does not cause the query to immediately run and print a report. You must still use the Exit This Query display (see Chapter 15, “Exiting and running a Query for iSeries query”).

If you have your query output spooled and if it is necessary to work with your spooled output, you can use the Work with Spooled Files display. (You can get to that display by typing the Work With Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command on a command line of any menu.) For more information about spooled output files and printer device files, see the Printer Device Programming book. For information about the values mentioned here with this display, see the description of the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) command parameters in the CL Reference information in the iSeries Information Center.


Define Spooled Output

Type choices, press Enter.



Spool the output . . .


Blank, Y=Yes, N=No

Form type


Blank, name, *STD



Blank, 1-255



Blank, Y=Yes, N=No







Spool the output in Query for iSeries reports: If you want to specify whether your report is to be spooled (as a spooled printer file) to an output queue, type a Y or N. If the output is spooled, the report can be scheduled for more efficient printing or possibly be delayed until a later time. If you leave this prompt blank, the value specified in the printer device file (named QPQUPRFIL) used by Query determines whether the output is to be spooled.

When your query is run, it creates your report and sends it as a spooled printer file to an output queue. You can specify that either the output be printed as soon as it can be scheduled, or that it be held on the output queue until it is released at a later time.


The output for your report is to be spooled and sent to an output queue. When the report is printed is determined by the scheduling value specified in the printer device file QPQUPRFIL. The scheduling value is specified on the SCHEDULE parameter of, for example, the CRTPRTF (Create Printer File) command.


The output for your report is not to be spooled; it is sent directly to the printer to be printed as each output record becomes available. This option (N=No) is not recommended; it can result in errors if the printer is not available at run-time.

Form type in Query for iSeries reports: You probably do not need to specify this value to print your query. If you leave this prompt blank, the value specified in the printer device file (named QPQUPRFIL) used by Query determines which forms are to be used to print the report. If you want to print your report on a particular type of form, type the name of the form or type the special value *STD.


Chapter 13. Selecting output type and output form in Query for iSeries reports 151

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IBM SC41-5210-04 manual Define Spooled Output