IBM SC41-5210-04 manual Positioning a list of Query for iSeries queries

Models: SC41-5210-04

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library group are shown. For example, if you typed IN* in the Subset prompt, you might see a list of query names like: INTEREST, INTFEB, INTMARCH, INVENTORY, INVFEB, INVMARCH, and so on. (The queries are shown alphabetically for each library.)

You can also specify a complete name (without an *) in the Subset prompt. Continuing the previous example, if you want to see which libraries contain queries named INVENTORY, type that complete query name in the Subset prompt.

If you want to return to the full list previously shown, blank out the subset value (or type an * as the subset value) and press the Enter key again.

Positioning a list of Query for iSeries queries

When a list of query names is shown, they are shown in alphabetical order within each library.

You can use the special values *TOP or *BOT to position to the top or bottom of the list. If it is a long list, you may want to move (change the position within) the list so that it starts with a particular query name. You can do this by typing one of the following in the Position to prompt:

vAll of the characters in an existing query name

vOne or more of the starting characters in the name

When you press the Enter key, Query moves the list so that the fully specified name (or, in a list for a specific library, the first name with the specified starting characters) is now shown at the top of the list.

If there is no Library column present and if there is no query name in the list that starts with those characters, Query moves the list to the name closest to, and in front of, the position that the name would have been in. However, if there is a Library column present and there is no query name that exactly matches the value in the Position to prompt, the list is not repositioned.

Two other methods are also available to move through a long list of queries:

vYou can use the page up and page down keys to go forward or backward through the list.

vYou can use F19 (Next group) to advance to the start of the next library’s list of query names.

Using F11 to display additional information about Query for iSeries queries

When a list is displayed, you can use F11 (Display text) to alternate between showing a list of just the item names (such as queries, fields, and so on) and showing a list of both the item’s name and the text that describes each item. When you press F11, the text—if any was specified when the item was created or changed—is shown next to each item name in the list. Some additional information may also be shown; for example, when you display the text for a list of queries, the date that each of the queries was created or last changed is also displayed.

Following is an example of how the Work with Queries display might appear when F11 is used.

Chapter 2. General operating information for Query for iSeries 15

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IBM SC41-5210-04 manual Positioning a list of Query for iSeries queries