IBM SG24-5360-00 manual Appendix B. Ixfp Command Examples, Snap Command, Syntax

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Appendix B. IXFP Command Examples

In this appendix we present the syntax and use of the various IXFP commands.

B.1 SNAP Command

In this section we present examples of the IXFP SNAP command. The command syntax is followed by examples of using the command.

Remember: Before you can use the SNAP option, you must bring the target offline by using the VSE/ESA DVCDN command.

B.1.1 Syntax

Figure 24 shows the syntax of the SNAP command.









￿￿(tcyl)￿￿ ￿￿,VOL1=volid￿￿ ￿ ￿￿,NOPROMPT￿￿




￿￿source(DSN=′ data-set-name ) : target￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿






Figure 24. Syntax of IXFP SNAP Command: Details



SNAP identifies this command as a SNAP command.


source The device ID=(cuu) or the VOL1 label of the source device


that the user wants to be used as the source when copying


data to a target device. If the source device is identified by its


VOLID, it must be either the only volume with that VOLID or the


only volume with that VOLID that is up (DVCUP). Otherwise an


error message will be issued. The whole volume will be


copied unless the operator has provided additional information


that either identifies a cylinder range or a DSN on the source


device that he or she wants to be copied.


scyl-scylSpecifies the decimal start cylinder and end cylinder



range where copying is to start and to end on the



source device. Cylinder is the smallest entity that can



be specified for any SNAP command function. The



highest (end) cylinder number must not exceed 32767



or the devices primary number of cylinders and the



start cylinder number must not be higher than the end



cylinder number.


scyl.ncyl Specifies the decimal start cylinder where copying is



to start on the source device and provides the number



of cylinders (ncyl) that should be copied. Cylinder is



the smallest entity that can be specified for any SNAP



command function. The highest resulting cylinder



number must not exceed 32767 or the devices number



of primary cylinders.


D S N =

The data set name identifying the file on the source



device that the operator wants to be copied onto the



target device. The file must be a non-VSAM file. The

file will be copied into the exact extent boundaries where it was located on the source device. Sequential

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IBM SG24-5360-00 manual Appendix B. Ixfp Command Examples, Snap Command, Syntax