Level set mode

SSSSBB TTxx TToonnee ((BBaassss))

This item adjusts the bass level of the transmit audio
tone in SSB mode from 5 dB to +5 dB in 1 dB steps.
0 dB (default)

SSSSBB TTxx TToonnee ((TTrreebbllee))

This item adjusts the treble level of the transmit audio
tone in SSB mode from 5 dB to +5 dB in 1 dB steps.
0 dB (default)

MMoonniittoorr LLeevveell

This item adjusts the transmit IF signal monitor level
from 0% to 100% in 1% steps.
See p. 35 for details.
50% (default)

SSiiddee TToonnee LLeevveell

This item adjusts the CW side tone level from 0% to
100% in 1% steps.
See p. 35 for details.
50% (default)

BBeeeepp LLeevveell

This item adjusts the volume level for confirmation
beep tones from 0% to 100% in 1% steps. When
beep tones are turned OFF, this setting has no effect.
50% (default)

BBeeeepp LLeevveell LLiimmiitt

This item allows you to set a maximum volume level
for conrmation beep tones. Conrmation beep tones
are linked to the [AF] control until a specied volume
level is reachedfurther rotation of the [AF] control
will not increase the volume of the beep tones.
Beep level is limited with
[AF] (default)
Beep level is linked to [AF]

SSiiddee TToonnee LLeevveell LLiimmiitt

This item allows you to set a maximum volume level
for CW side tones. CW side tones are linked to the
[AF] control until a specied volume level is reached
further rotation of the [AF] control will not increase
the volume of the CW side tones.
CW side tone level is limited
with [AF] (default)
CW side tone level is linked
to [AF]