■Miscellaneous (others) set mode (continued)
QQuuiicckk DDuuaallwwaattcchhWhen this item is set to ON, pushing [DUALWATCH]
for 1 sec. sets the sub readout frequency to the main
readout frequency and activates dualwatch operation.
See p. 31 for details.
Quick dualwatch ON
Quick dualwatch OFF
QQuuiicckk SSPPLLIITTWhen this item is set to ON, pushing [SPLIT] for 1
sec. sets the sub readout frequency to the main read-
out frequency and activates split operation.
See p. 33 for details.
Quick split ON
Quick split OFF
RRFF//SSQQLL CCoonnttrroollThe [RF/SQL] control can be set as the RF/squelch
control (default), the squelch control only (RF gain is
fixed at maximum) or ‘Auto’(RF gain control in SSB,
CW and RTTY; squelch control in AM and FM).
See p. 3 for details.
RRFF++SSQQLL[RF/SQL] control as RF/squelch control
SSQQLL[RF/SQL] control as squelch control
AAUUTTOO[RF/SQL] control as RF gain control in SSB,
CW and RTTY; squelch control in AM and
FFMM SSPPLLIITTOOffffsseett((HHFF))This item sets the offset (difference between transmit
and receive frequencies) for the quick split function.
However, this setting is used for HF bands in FM
mode only and is used to input the repeater offset for
an HF band.
The offset frequency can be set from –4 MHz to
+4 MHz in 1 kHz steps.
Minus 0.1 MHz offset
Minus 4.0 MHz offset
FFMM SSPPLLIITTOOffffsseett((5500MM))This item sets the offset (difference between transmit
and receive frequencies) for the quick split function.
However, this setting is used for 50 MHz band FM
mode only, and is used to input the repeater offset for
the 50 MHz band.
The offset frequency can be set from –4 MHz to
+4 MHz in 1 kHz steps.
Minus 0.5 MHz offset
Plus 4.0 MHz offset
SSPPLLIITT LLOOCCKKWhen this item is ON, the tuning dial can be used to
adjust the transmit frequency while pushing [XFC]
even while the lock function is activated.
See p. 32 for split frequency operation details.
Split lock function ON
Split lock function OFF