z LED-2~5: IP
The LED will show Group-ID first, and then show its IP as the above diagram
indicates. If users change IP, the value shown will change immediately. The
default shipping IP = Î the LED-show sequence is given as above
The DHCP function formats are given as follows:
z dHCP.0 Î DHCP function disable
z dHCP.1 Î DHCP function enable and get an IP
z dHCP.2 Î DHCP function enable but not get an IP, using default setting
If the DHCP function is enable, the i-7540D will get it’s IP from the DHCP
server. Otherwise, it will use the IP in the EEPROM.
The baud-rate format of COM ports are given as follows:
z Group-ID of 5-digit LED: 22222.
z LED-1: COM port number
z LED-2~5: value of (baud/100)
The baud-rate format of CAN port is given as follows:
z LED-1: CAN port number
z LED-2~5: value of (baud/1000)
The COM port and CAN port number are shown in LED-1 and their baud rate
is shown in the LED-2~5. The COM port baud rate = (value of LED-2~5)*100.
Therefore, shown-value=1. 96 means baud rate of COM1=9600BPS;
shown-value= 2.1152 means baud rate of COM2= 115200 BPS. It’s the same as
the CAN port baud rate. The CAN port baud rate = (value of LED-2~5)*1000.
Therefore, shown-value=3. 10 means baud rate of CAN=10KBPS; shown-value=
3.1000 means baud rate of CAN= 1MBPS. All baud rate of i-7540D’s port will be
shown one by one.
The configuration of COM ports are given as follows:
z Group-ID of 5-digit LED: 33333.
z LED-1: COM port number
z LED-3: data bit, 7 or 8
z LED-4: parity bit, 0=no parity, 1=even parity, 2=odd parity
z LED-5: stop bit, 1 or 2
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway User’s Manual (Version 1.4, April/2008) 21