Note: If users click the “Defaults” icon, all of the CAN communication
parameters in the i-7540D will be set to the default values, which are:
CAN Specification = 2.0B
CAN bus Baud rate = 1Mbps
BTR0 = 00 BTR1 = 00
Acceptance Code = 00 00 00 00
Acceptance Mask = FF FF FF FF
Error Response = No
Timestamp Response = No
7. The “Network Status” frame displayed the IP, Gateway, Mask and MAC
address of the i-7540D. Users can change these network parameters by click
the “Set” button and “Modify IP” button. And the “Reset System” checkbox is
used to reset the system of i-7540D.
Note: After modify the network status of the i-7540D, the setting value will
become effective after resetting the system.
8. The “COM Status” frame showed the parameters of RS-232 and RS485 ports.
User also can modify it by click the “Set” button.
9. The “CAN Bus Pair Connection Status” frame showed the parameters of CAN
pair connection.
Note: After modify the CAN bus pair connection status of the i-7540D, the setting
value will become effective after resetting the system.
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway User’s Manual (Version 1.4, April/2008) 33