2.4.2 CAN bus indicator LED
The i-7540D includes three single-color LED displays to indicate the status of
module, network and I/O device. They are ER LED (it is red), TX LED (it is green),
and RX LED (it is red). The Indicators assist maintenance personnel in quickly
identifying a problem unit. The LED test is to be performed at power–up. When
the CAN communication events occur, these indicators will be triggered to glitter
with different conditions.
This LED provides device status and indicates whether or not the device is
operating properly. Table 2-6 shows the conditions of ER status. Therefore, when
the device is operated normally, the ER-LED must be turned off. If this led flashing
red, users can use the “99S” command, in section 4.5, to read the status of the
Table 2-6 ER-LED conditions
Condition Description
Off Device is normal; no error occurs
Red Device has unrecoverable fault
Flashing red Device has recoverable fault.
To recover:
Reset device or perform error recovery
This LED indicates the status of message transmitted. Table 2-7 shows the
conditions of TX status. Therefore, when the device transmits messages to the
CAN bus, the TX-LED is normally flashing green.
Table 2-7 TX led conditions
Condition Description
Off No data is being transmitted to the CAN side
Flashing green Data are transmitting to the CAN side
Solid green Transmit data error
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway User’s Manual (Version 1.4, April/2008) 18