Description: Send or receive a standard CAN remote frame.
¾ Syntax: TIIIL<CR>
T Represents a standard (2.0A) remote frame.
III 11 bits Identifier (000~7FF)
L Data length (0~8)
¾ Response:
Valid command: No response
Invalid command: ?<Error Code><CR>
¾ Note:
It is necessary to enable the “Error Response” function in the i-7540D
Utility, in order to receive Syntax and/or communication error information
at the host PC.
¾ Example:
Command: T2E88<CR>
Send a CAN message with a standard remote frame. ID=2E8, DLC=8.
Note: This command can only be accepted by 7540D’s port 10003
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway User’s Manual (Version 1.4, April/2008) 60