4.15 99$P1B04TTRR
Description: Change the CAN Bus Timing Register of the i-7540D
¾ Syntax: 99$P1B04TTRR
99$P1B04 Command character
TT Bus Timing Register 0 (00~FF)
RR Bus Timing Register 1 (00~FF)
¾ Response:
Valid Command: OK
Invalid command: ERROR
1. This command can only be accepted by 7540D’s port 10000
2. Supported by the firmware v1.04 or later.
3. Users need to have the background of SJA1000 CAN controller and
82C251 CAN transceiver, and calculate the values of BT0 and BT1 by
themselves (The clock frequency of CAN controller is 16MHz.).
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway User’s Manual (Version 1.4, April/2008) 81