1.3 VxComm Technology
The i-7540D is designed as a RS-232/RS-485/CAN to Ethernet Gateway. So it
follows that they can be used to link these RS-232/RS-485/CAN devices to central
computer as follows:
Figure 1-2: Application of i-7540D
Compared to the RS-485 network, these Ethernet network hubs are already in
existence for system network. Therefore, the RS-232 devices can find the closest
hub and link to the central computer with the help of the i-7540D. The Ethernet
network is extremely popular and already existing for most applications, hence,
this approach is a very successful. In general, it is more difficult to write a TCP/IP
program than a COM 1/2 program. Therefore, the VxComm technology is
developed to simulate COM-ports of the i-7540D to become COM 3/4/5…/256
of the central computer. Then users can write a COM port program to link these
RS-232/RS-485/CAN devices and need not to concern themselves with any
TCP/IP problem.
i-7540D CAN-Ethernet Gateway User’s Manual (Version 1.4, April/2008) 8