Industrial Ethernet Layer 2 Managed Switch – Web Management Manual
April 29, 2008
6. Email Alarm
ICPDAS Managed Switch can notify you by email when the specified event occurred.
This chapter will guide you how to setting the related parameters.

Alarm Event setting

User can specify system and port events that warning emails will be sent.
Power1 ON The status of power1 from OFF turns to ON.
Power2 ON The status of power2 from OFF turns to ON.
Power1 OFF The status of power1 from ON turns to OFF.
Power2 OFF The status of power2 from ON turns to OFF.
System Relay ON System relay activate.
System Relay OFF System relay
System software Reboot
User reboots the Switch equipment through Switch
Management tool or the console command.
Link Lose
Port disconnected, such as, no cable connected; cable
break; opposing device fail.
Communication Lose Port of the ring pair disconnected