Numerics | Default gateway 38 |
1024x768 resolution 5 | DHCP 38 |
A | Display Messages 35 |
About 37 | displaying |
Aspect Ratio 37 | computer image 10 |
audio 28 | PiP 37 |
Audio In connector 8, 14 | video image 16 |
Auto Image 37 | Drivers 11 |
Auto Power 35 | USB 12 |
Autosource 35 | Windows 98 12 |
B | dust filter, cleaning 42 |
Blank 37 | E |
BNC 9, 15 | Effect Key 37 |
BNC connectors 15 | elevator foot 13, 16 |
Brightness 13 | F |
C | Factory Reset 38 |
Capture Position 36 | Filter Reset 38 |
Capture Start 36 | first time use |
changing the lens 39 | driver installation 11 |
cleaning the dust filter 42 | focus 13, 17 |
cleaning the lens 39 | Freeze 37 |
Color 17 | fuzzy image 21 |
colors are incorrect 23 | H |
component cable connector 14 | HDTV sources 14, 15 |
computer 9 |
computer connections |
optional 8 |
required 8 |
computer image |
optimize 29 |
troubleshooting 19 |
connector panel 6 |
contacting InFocus 25 |
Contrast 13, 17 |
custom logo startup screen 36 |