
Hindley Green, Wigan WN2 4EZ, UK

Declare under our sole responsibility that the product: Air Ratchet Wrench

(FR) Déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que le produit: Clé pneumatique à cliquet. (DE) Erklären hiermit,

gemäß unserer alleinigen Verantwortung, daß die Geräte: Druckluft-Knarrenschlüssel (IT) Dichiariamo sotto la

nostra unica responsabilità che il prodotto: Chiave pneumatica a cricchetto (ES) Declaramos que, bajo nuestra

responsabilidad exclusiva, el producto: Llave de trinquete neumática (NL) Verklaren, onder onze uitsluitende

aansprakelijkheid, dat het produkt: pneumatische ratelsleutel (DA) Erklærer som eneansvarlig, at nedenstående

produkt: Trykluft skraldenøglen (SV) Intygar härmed, i enlighet med vårt fullständiga ansvar, att produkten:

luftspärrnyckel (NO) Erklærer som eneansvarlig at produktet: Trykkluftsskrallenøkkel (FI) Vakuutamme ja

kannamme yksin täyden vastuun siitä, että tuote: paineräikkäavaimen (PT) Declaramos sob a nossa exclusiva

responsabilidade que o produto: chave de roquete pneumática (EL) ∆ηλώνουµε ότι µε δική µας ευθύνη το

προϊόν: Κλειδί καστάνιας αέρος

Model: 111, 1111 / Serial Number Range: 1O4J XXXX

(FR) Modele: / No. Serie: (DE) Modell: / Serien-Nr.-Bereich: (IT) Modello: / Numeri di Serie: (ES) Modelo: / Gama

de No. de Serie: (NL) Model: / Serienummers: (DA) Model:/ Serienr: (SV) Modell:/ Serienummer, mellan:

(NO) Modell: / Serienr: (FI) Mallia: / Sarjanumero: (PT) Modelo: / Gama de Nos de Série: (EL) Μοητελα: / Kλίµαχα Aύξοντος Aριθµού:

To which this declaration relates, is in compliance with provisions of Directive(s): 98/37/EC (Machinery)

(FR) objet de ce certificat, est conforme aux prescriptions des Directives: (DE) auf die sich diese Erklärung

bezieht, den Richtlinien: (IT) a cui si riferisce la presente dichiarazione è conforme alle normative delle direttive:

(ES) a los que se refiere la presente declaración, cumplen con todo lo establecido en las directivas: (NL) waarop

deze verklaring betrekking heeft overeenkomt met de bepalingen van directieven: (DA) som denne erklæring

vedrører, overholder bestemmelserne i følgende direktiver: (SV) som detta intyg avser, uppfyller kraven i

Direktiven: (NO) som denne erklæringen gjelder for, oppfyller bestemmelsene i EU-direktivene: (FI) johon tämä

vakuutus viittaa, täyttää direktiiveissä: (PT) ao qual se refere a presente declaração, está de acordo com as

prescrições das Directivas: (EL) τα οποία αφορά αυτή η δήλωση‚ είναι σύµφωνα µε τις προβλέψεις των Eντολών:

By using the following Principle Standards: ANSI S5.1-1971, ISO3744, ISO8662, EN792

(FR) en observant les normes de principe suivantes: (DE) unter Anlehnung an die folgenden Grundnormen

entsprechen: (IT) secondo i seguenti standard: (ES) conforme a los siguientes estándares: (NL) overeenkomstig

de volgende hoofdstandaards: (DK) ved at være i overensstemmelse med følgende hovedstandard(er):

(SV) Genom att använda följande principstandard: (NO) ved å bruke følgende prinsipielle standarder:

(FI) esitetyt vaatimukset seuraavia perusnormeja käytettäessä: (PT) observando as seguintes Normas Principais: (EL) Χρησιµοποιώντας ια παρακάτω κύρια πρότυπα:

Date: September, 2004

(FR) Date: Septembre, 2004: (DE) Datum: September, 2004: (IT) Data: Settembre, 2004: (ES) Fecha: Septiemre,

2004: (NL) Datum: September, 2004: (DA) Dato: September, 2004: (SV) Datum: September, 2004: (NO) Dato:

September, 2004: (FI) Päiväys: Syyskuu, 2004: (PT) Data: Setembro, 2004: (EL) Ηµεροµηνία: Σεπτέµβριος 2004:

Approved By:

(FR) Approuvé par: (DE) Genehmigt von: (IT) Approvato da: (ES) Aprobado por: (NL) Goedgekeurd door:

(DA) Godkendt af: (SV) Godkänt av: (NO) Godkjent av: (FI) Hyväksytty: (PT) Aprovado por: (EL) Eγκρίθηκεαπό:


Form 04585014-Edition 1

Page 24
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Ingersoll-Rand 1111 manual Declaration of Conformity

1111, 111 specifications

Ingersoll-Rand 111,1111 is a high-performance air compressor that combines innovative engineering with robust design to meet diverse industrial needs. Known for its reliability and efficiency, the 111,1111 series is widely used in manufacturing, construction, and automotive sectors, where compressed air is essential.

One of the standout features of the Ingersoll-Rand 111,1111 is its powerful motor, which ensures optimal performance under heavy loads. The motor is designed for energy efficiency, reducing operational costs while maintaining high output levels. This is complemented by a variable speed drive that adjusts the compressor's performance based on real-time demand, further enhancing energy savings.

The 111,1111 compressor is equipped with advanced control systems that provide precise monitoring of air pressure, temperature, and flow rates. These intelligent controls allow for seamless operations, including automated start-stop functionality to prevent energy waste when demand is low. Operators can also access valuable data analytics through an intuitive digital interface, which facilitates proactive maintenance and troubleshooting.

Durability is another hallmark of the Ingersoll-Rand 111,1111. Constructed with high-quality materials and components, the compressor is built to withstand challenging environments and extensive use. Its robust design minimizes wear and tear, ensuring a long service life and reduced downtime for repairs.

Noise reduction technology is also a significant feature of this compressor, making it suitable for applications in noise-sensitive areas. The acoustic enclosure effectively dampens sound levels, allowing for quieter operations without compromising efficiency.

Moreover, the Ingersoll-Rand 111,1111 complies with stringent environmental standards, featuring low emissions and improved energy efficiency. This commitment to sustainability resonates with companies striving to reduce their carbon footprint while maintaining productivity.

In summary, the Ingersoll-Rand 111,1111 stands out for its powerful performance, energy efficiency, advanced control systems, durability, quiet operation, and environmental compliance. As industries continue to evolve and demand high-quality compressed air solutions, the 111,1111 series remains a reliable choice for professionals seeking both performance and sustainability in their operations.