Switch keyboard language

Makesure that you have enabledadditional languageson your keyboard. See Add a keyboard
language (on the previous page).
lTouch totoggle between keyboard languages.The keyboard languageappears in the
Connect to a computer
Formore information on viewing and transferringfiles, see your computer's documentation.
1. C onnectthe USBcable from yourtablet to your computer.
2. Windows:Open Computer or My Computer, then clickthe NS-15AT07 icon to view or
Mac:Open the Finder, then select NS-15AT07 from the menu onthe left to view or transfer
3. W henyou are finished, ejectyour tablet before unpluggingthe cable.
Transfer or download an e-book
Makesure that your e-books are in the PDF, EPUB, TX T, RB2, RTF, or PD B format.

Transfer an e-book from your computer

1. C onnectyour tablet to yourcomputer.
2. C opyan e-book file from your computerto a folder on your tablet.

Download an e-book from the Play Store

1. Touch ,then Play Store.
2. TouchBooks to browse for books or touch tosearch for a specificbook.
InsigniaNS-1 5AT07 7" Wi-FiAndroid™ Tablet