NS-2BRDVD Insignia NS-2BRDVD Blu-ray Disc Player
























































































































Digital Output

PCM Downsampling

Dynamic Range Control


Selects the digital audio output. The option you select depends on the capabilities of the sound system you have connected to your player.:

For more information, see “Adjusting the digital audio output” on page 14.

Selects the digital output PCM sampling rate. Select 48 KHz, or 96 KHz.

For more information, see “Selecting the PCM downsampling rate” on page 15.

Turns Dynamic Range Control On or Off.

Dynamic Range Control is only active when a Dolby Digital signal is received. When you turn on this option and movie soundtracks are played at low volume or from smaller speakers, your player applies compression to make low-level audio more intelligible and prevents loud audio from getting too loud.

For more information, see “Turning dynamic range control on or off” on page 15.


Parental Control

Parental Level

Parental Password


Turns parental controls On or Off. This option works in conjunction with the rating levels applied to Blu-ray Discs. There are up to eight rating levels for Blu-ray Discs.

Note: To change the rating level, the Parental Control option must be Off. After you set the parental controls, make sure that you turn the password feature back on.

For more information, see “Setting parental controls” on page 16.

Selects the parental rating level.

For more information, see “Setting parental controls” on page 16.

Sets the parental password. The default password is 0000.

For more information, see “Changing the password” on page 17.

