Step 3: Install expansion cards
1.Read the related expansion card's instruction document before installing the expansion card into the computer.
2.Please make sure your AGP card is AGP 4X/8X (1.5V).
3.Please carefully pull out the small white drawable bar at the end of the AGP slot when you try to install/ Uninstall the AGP card. Please align the AGP card to the onboard AGP slot and press firmly down on the slot .Make sure your AGP card is locked by the small white- drawable bar.
AGP Card
Step 4: Install I/O Peripherals Cables
Step 4-1: I/O Back Panel Introduction
PS/2 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connector
To install a PS/2 port keyboard and mouse, plug the mouse to the upper port (green) and the keyboard to the lower port (purple).
Parallel Port
The parallel port allows connection of a printer, scanner and other peripheral devices.
Serial Port
Devices like mouses, modems, and etc. can be connected to Serial port.
VGA Port
Monitor can be connected to VGA port.
USB port
Before you connect your device(s) into USB connector(s), please make sure your device(s) such as USB keyboard, mouse, scanner, zip, speaker...etc. have a standard USB interface. Also make sure your OS supports USB controller. If your OS does not support USB controller, please con- tact OS vendor for possible patch or driver upgrade. For more information please contact your OS or device(s) vendors.
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