Standard CMOS Features

CMOS Setup Ut ility-Co pyright (C) 1984 -2003 Aw ard Soft ware

Stan dard CM OS Feat ures














(mm:dd :yy)

Fri, Jan 9 2004



Item Help




(hh:mm :ss)

22:3 1:24



Menu L evel}









Chan ge the day, mo nth,



IDE P rimary M aster

[No ne]







IDE P rimary S lave

[No ne]







IDE S econdary M aster

[No ne]



<We ek>




IDE S econdary Slave

[No ne]



Sun. t o Sat.



Driv e A





<Mon th>



Driv e B


[No ne]



Jan. t o Dec.



Floppy 3 Mode Su pport

[Disa bled]



















[All, But Keyb oard]


1 to 31 (or ma ximum









allowe d in the m onth)



Base M emory









Exte nded Me mory




<Ye ar>










1999 t o 2098










higf: M ove

Enter: Select

+/-/ PU/PD: V alue

F10: Save

ESC: Exit

F1: General Help



F5: P revious V alues

F6: Fa il-Safe De fault

F7: Optimiz ed Defa ults





























The date format is <w eek>, <month>, <day >, <y ear>.








The w eek, from Sun to Sat, determined by the BIOS and is display only




The m onth, Jan . Through Dec.









The day , from 1 to 31 (or the max i mum allow ed in the m onth)





The y ear, from 1999 through 2098






The ti mes format in <hour> <m inute> <second>. The ti me i s c alc ulated bas e on the 24-hour military -time clock. F or ex ampl e, 1 p.m. is 13:00:00.

IDE Primary Master, Slave / IDE Secondary Master, Slave

The categor y identi fies the ty pes of hard disk from driv e C to F that has been i nstalled in the computer . There are tw o ty pes: auto ty pe, and manual ty pe. Manual ty pe is user -definable; Auto ty pe w hich w ill autom atically detect HDD ty pe.

Note that the spec ifications of y our dri v e must matc h w ith the driv e table . The hard disk w ill not w ork properly if y ou enter improper information for this category .

If y ou select User Ty pe, related information will be asked to enter to the follow ing items. Enter the information directl y from the k ey board and press <Enter >. Such infor mation shoul d be prov ided in the doc umenta- tion form y our hard disk v endor or the sy stem manufacturer.

Cy li nder

Number of cy li nders


Number of heads

Prec omp

Write precomp

Landing Zone

Landing zone

Sec tor

Number of sec tors

If a hard disk has not been install ed, selec t NONE and press <Enter>.


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BIOS Setup

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Image 21
Intel 8VM533M-RZ-C Standard Cmos Features, Date, Time, IDE Primary Master, Slave / IDE Secondary Master, Slave