Frequency/Voltage Control
| CMOS | Setup Ut |
| ||||
| Frequ ency/Vol tage Con trol |
| |
CPU | Clock R atio |
| [15X] |
| Item Help | |
Auto | Detect | PCI/DIMM | Clk | [Enab led] |
| Menu L evel} | |
Spre ad Spec trum |
| [Enab led] |
| ||
CPU Host Cl ock Con trol | [Disa bled] |
| ||||
ø CPU C lock |
| 100 |
| |
| ||
higf: M ove | Enter: Select | F10: Save | ESC: Exit | F1: General Help | ||||
| F5: P revious V alues | F6: Fa | F7: Optimiz ed Defa ults | |||||
øThi s item w il l be av ail able w hen "CPU Host Clock Control" is set to Enabled.
CPU Clock Ratio
This option w il l not be show n or not be av ailable if y ou are using a CPU w ith the locked r atio.
15X~21X It depends on C PU Clock R atio.
This setup option w ill automati cally as sign by C PU detec tion. For C
For N orthw ood C PU: 12X~24X default: 16X
The option w il l display "Locked" and read only if the CPU r atio is not changeable.
Auto Detect PCI/DI MM Clk
Disabled | Disable auto detect PCI/DIMM Clk. |
Enabled | Enabl e auto detect PCI/DIMM Clk. (Default v alue) |
Spread S pectrum
Disabled | Disable spread spectrum. |
Enabled | Enabl e spread s pectrum. (Default v alue) |
CPU Host Clock Control
Note: If sy stem hangs up before enter CMOS setup uti lity , w ait for 20 s ec for ti mes out reboot. When time out occur, sy s tem w ill r eset and run at CPU default Host cloc k at nex t boot.
Disabled | Disable CPU Host Clock C ontrol. ( Default v alue) |
Enabled | Enabl e CPU Host Clock Control. |
CPU Clock
Incor rect using it may c ause y our sy stem br oken. For pow er End
100 | Set CPU Clock to 100MHz~132MHz. |
133 | Set CPU Clock to 133MHz~165MHz. |
- 29 - | BIOS Setup |