A300 Motherboard
Auto (Default) This selection enables the BIOS to auto detect the
IDE disk drive type attached to the specified channel.
This setting should be used if an IDE hard disk drive is
attached to the specified channel.
CD/DVD The CD/DVD option specifies that an IDE CD-ROM
drive is attached to the specified IDE channel. The
BIOS does not attempt to search for other types of
IDE disk drives on the specified channel.
ARMD This option specifies an ATAPI Removable Media
Device. These include, but are not limited to:
PIO Mode [Auto]
The PIO Mode option selects the IDE PIO (Programmable I/O) mode program timing
cycles between the IDE drive and the programmable IDE controller. As the PIO mode
increases, the cycle time decreases.
Auto (Default) This setting allows the BIOS to auto detect the PIO mode. Use
this value if the IDE disk drive support cannot be determined.
0 PIO mode 0 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 3.3MBps
1 PIO mode 1 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 5.2MBps
2 PIO mode 2 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 8.3MBps
3 PIO mode 3 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 11.1MBps
4 PIO mode 4 selected with a maximum transfer rate of 16.6MBps
(This setting generally works with all hard disk drives
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