A300 Motherboard
Legacy USB Support [Enabled]
The Legacy USB Support BIOS option refers to USB mouse and USB keyboard support.
Normally if this option is not enabled, any attached USB mouse or USB keyboard does not
become available until a USB compatible operating system is fully booted with all USB
drivers loaded. When this option is enabled, any attached USB mouse or USB keyboard
can control the system even when there is no USB driver loaded on the system.
Disabled Legacy USB support disabled
Enabled (Default) Legacy USB support enabled
Auto Legacy USB support is automatically detected
USB 2.0 Controller [Enabled]
The USB 2.0 Controller BIOS option enables or disables the USB 2.0 controller
Enabled (Default) USB function enabled
Disabled USB function disabled
USB2.0 Controller Mode [HiSpeed]
The USB2.0 Controller Mode BIOS option sets the speed of the USB2.0 controller.
FullSpeed The controller is capable of operating at full speed
HiSpeed (Default) The controller is capable of operating at high speed
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