A300 Motherboard
manufactured after 1999. For other disk drives, such as IDE
CD-ROM drives, check the specifications of the drive.)
DMA Mode [Auto]
The DMA Mode BIOS selection adjusts the DMA mode options.
Auto (Default) The BIOS auto detects the DMA mode. Use this value if the
IDE disk drive support cannot be determined.
SWDMA0 Single Word DMA mode 0 selected with a maximum data
transfer rate of 2.1MBps
SWDMA1 Single Word DMA mode 1 selected with a maximum data
transfer rate of 4.2MBps
SWDMA2 Single Word DMA mode 2 selected with a maximum data
transfer rate of 8.3MBps
MWDMA0 Multi Word DMA mode 0 selected with a maximum data
transfer rate of 4.2MBps
MWDMA1 Multi Word DMA mode 1 selected with a maximum data
transfer rate of 13.3MBps
MWDMA2 Multi Word DMA mode 2 selected with a maximum data
transfer rate of 16.6MBps
UDMA0 Ultra DMA mode 0 selected with a maximum data transfer
rate of 16.6MBps
UDMA1 Ultra DMA mode 1 selected with a maximum data transfer
rate of 25MBps
UDMA2 Ultra DMA mode 2 selected with a maximum data transfer
rate of 33.3MBps
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