4.0 LGA1150 Socket and ILM Specifications
This chapter describes the following specifications and requirements:
•Mechanical Specifications on page 24
•Electrical Requirements on page 25
•Environmental Requirements on page 26
Mechanical Specifications
Component Mass
Table 3. Socket Component Mass
Component Mass
Socket Body, Contacts and PnP Cover 10 g
ILM Cover 29 g
ILM Back Plate 38 g
Package / Socket Stackup Height
The following table provides the stackup height of a processor in the 1150-land LGA
package and LGA1150 socket with the ILM closed and the processor fully seated in the
Table 4. 1150-land Package and LGA1150 Socket Stackup Height
Component Stackup Height Note
Integrated Stackup Height (mm) From Top of Board to Top of IHS 7.781 ± 0.335 mm 2
Socket Nominal Seating Plane Height 3.4 ± 0.2 mm 1
Package Nominal Thickness (lands to top of IHS) 4.381 ± 0.269 mm 1
1. This data is provided for information only, and should be derived from: (a) the height of the socket
seating plane above the motherboard after reflow, given in Socket Mechanical Drawings, (b) the height of
the package, from the package seating plane to the top of the IHS, and accounting for its nominal
variation and tolerances that are given in the corresponding processor datasheet.
2. The integrated stackup height value is a RSS calculation based on current and planned processors that
will use the ILM design.
Loading Specifications
The socket will be tested against the conditions listed in Thermal Solution Quality and
Reliability Requirements Chapter of the Processor Thermal Mechanical Design
Guidelines (see Related Documents section) with heatsink and the ILM attached,
under the loading conditions outlined in this section.
LGA1150 Socket—LGA1150 Socket and ILM Specifications
LGA1150 Socket
Application Guide September 2013
24 Order No.: 328999-002