Distributions—Linux - Debian

6.There is an issue with the dpkg program that is part of the Debian installer. It fails to create lock files correctly when they are located on an NFS drive. The particular lock files are located in /target/var/lib/dpkg, so we will address this issue by creating a RAM disk and mounting it as /target/var/lib. Execute the following commands:

#mke2fs /dev/ram1

#mkdir -p /target/var/lib

#mount -t ext2 /dev/ram1 /target/var/lib


7.Scroll to “Configure the hostname” and press return.

8.Enter a name for this system or accept the default and press return.

9.Scroll to “Install the Base System” and press return.

10.Select “Network” to install the base system and press return.

11.Accept the default download URL or enter a new one.

12.When a proxy server is required, enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server in the next dialog box. Note: Name resolution is not enabled at this step of the installation, so an IP address (ex., is required, a domain name (ex., proxy.domain.com) will NOT work.

13.This takes some time since it downloads the base packages and installs them, when the base installation is complete, the “Installation Main Menu” reappears.

14.Before Rebooting, we must ensure that the files that are in the RAM disk are saved to the NFS share. Scroll to “Execute a Shell”, press return, and enter the following commands:

#cd /target/var

#tar cvf lib.tar lib


On the Linux host, issue the following commands to untar the files from the RAM Disk.

#cd /exports/fs.xscale/var

#tar xvf lib.tar

#rm -f lib.tar

15.Scroll to “Reboot the system” and press return.

16.Select “<Yes>” and press return to reboot.

17.Remove the” /dev/ram1” line from the “/exports/fs.xscale/etc/fstab” file on the host system.

18.Since we are using kernel-level autoconfiguration, the networking scripts on the target do not install the “/etc/resolv.conf” file which allows us to do name resolution properly. On the IA Linux host, Create the “/exports/fs.xscale/etc/resolv.conf” file that looks like the following:

nameserver “”, make sure that the proper IP address of a nameserver on the network is included.

Linux-Debian Installation Guide

Intel® I/O Processors

June 2005


Order Number: 306507001US


Page 19
Image 19
Intel I/O Processor manual # cd /target/var # tar cvf lib.tar lib # exit