1 - 28 Modular LYNX System 12.05.2003

Configuring an Input

Figure 6.2 below illustrates the Input Equivalent Circuit of the Isolated I/O being used with a switch. To
illustrate the usage of an input you will go through the steps to configure this switch to start a simple
program at Line 1000 to index a motor 200 user units. First you must configure the I/O Line 21 as a “GO”
IOS 21 = 9, 0, 0
To break this command down:
IOS 21 - Identifies the I/O Line we are
setting as 21.
9 - Configures the I/O Type to “GO”.
0 - Configures I/O as Input.
0 - Configures I/O as Active LOW.
When the Input Type “GO” is selected
it will always look to execute a
program located at line 1 of program
memory. Therefore, to run a program at
line 1000 you must do the following:
PGM 1 ‘Records program at line 1 of memory space
EXEC 1000 ‘Execute program located at line 1000 of memory space
END ‘Terminates Program
PGM ‘Switches system back to immediate mode
PGM 1000 ‘Records program at line 1000 of memory space
MOVR 200 ‘Move relative to current position 200 user units
HOLD 2 ‘Hold program execution until specified motion is

Configuring the Digital Filtering

User definable Digital filtering makes the LYNX well
suited for noisy industrial environments. The filter
setting is software selectable using the IOF
Variable with a minimum guaranteed detectable
pulse width of 18 microseconds to 2.3 milliseconds.
The table below illustrates the IOF settings.
The filter setting will reject any frequency above
the specified bandwidth. For example:
IOF 2 = 3 ‘Set the Digital
Filter for I/O Group 20 to
This setting will cause any signal above 3.44 kHz on
I/O lines 21-26 to be rejected. The default filter
setting for the isolated I/O groups is 7, or 215Hz.
4.5V Internal
Pull-up Switch = CLOSED
LYNX Control Module
Figure 6.2: Isolated I/O Input
O/IdetalosIesopruPlareneGehtrofsgnitteSretliFFOI )7-0=>mun<(>mun<=FOI
gnitteSretliF ffotuC ycneuqerF esluPelbatceteDmuminiM htdiW
1 zHk7.31 sdnocesorcim63
3 zHk44.3 sdnocesorcim541
5 zH068 sdnocesorcim185
)tluafed(7 zH512 sdnocesillim323.2
Table 6.3: Digital Filter Settings for the Isolated I/O