Note: If any adapter card is moved from one slot to another, the alt instance values in the /etc/path_to_inst file will be incorrect.

Correct the instance values before making any adapter configuration changes. See your Solaris manuals for details on setting instance values.

Each adapter must be assigned a host name and an IP address. If you are not using multiple VLANs, perform the steps below when configuring the host name and IP address for your adapter.

If VLANs are to be used, any specific adapter may have one host name and IP address for each VLAN. If you will be using VLANs on the network, see the Configuring VLANs section of this manual.

1.Create the /etc/hostname.alt <num> file(s) on the server.

There can be up to four adapters per server. Create one /etc/hostname.alt <num> file for each adapter. The number <num> in the filename is determined as follows:


Hostname Numbering











For example, the first adapter in the server requires a file named /etc/hostname.alt0 and the second adapter requires a file

named /etc/hostname.alt1 .

2.Place the appropriate adapter host name into the hostname.alt <num> file(s).

The /etc/hostname.alt <num> file must contain the appropriate host name for the adapter. The host name should be different from that of any other interface. For example, /etc/hostname.alt0 and /etc/hostname.alt1 cannot share the same host name.

The following example depicts the host name files required for a machine called iti , with ITI-5100G/GF adapters known as iti-1 , iti-2 , iti-3 , and iti-4on the networks created for alt0 , alt1

, alt2 , and alt3 .

LSI Logic Corporation

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