
64/etc/hostname /etc/hostname /etc/hostname /etc/hostname

.alt6300 .alt6301 .alt6302 .alt6303

Table 10: Creating the /etc/hostname.alt<num> files

2.Place the appropriate adapter host name into the

/etc/hostname.alt file(s).

The /etc/hostname.alt <num> file must contain the appropriate adapter host name.

The host name should be different from the host name of any other interface. For example, /etc/hostname.alt0 and /etc/hostname.alt100 cannot share the same host name.

The following example depicts the host name files required for a machine called iti , with one ITI5100G/GF adapter with four VLANs:

iti # cat /etc/hostname.alt0 iti-1

iti # cat /etc/hostname.alt100 iti-1100

iti # cat /etc/hostname.alt200 iti-1200

iti # cat /etc/hostname.alt300 iti-1300

3.For each host name, enter the appropriate IP address in the

/etc/hosts file.

4.Create the /etc/vlan.alt <num> file(s).

One corresponding /etc/vlan.alt <num> file is needed for each /etc/hostname.alt <num> file created in the previous steps (one for each VLAN being configured for each adapter on the server). Create files using the following naming format:

/etc/vlan.alt <num>

For each file, the number <num> in the filename is determined according to the table below. For example, the first adapter requires a file named /etc/vlan.alt0 for its first VLAN, and a file named /etc/vlan.alt100 for its second VLAN.

LSI Logic Corporation

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