Configuring Dual Homing

To configure Dual Homing in a system with two adapters, where /etc/hostname.alt0 is the primary adapter, perform the following procedure:

Note: Do not configure an /etc/hostname.alt<num> entry for the redundant adapter. Also, do not configure Jumbo Frame support files for the redundant adapter. If the primary adapter fails, the secondary adapter takes on the configuration of the primary adapter. Serious configuration problems will occur if there are hostname or Jumbo Frame configuration files for the secondary adapter.

1.Enable Spanning Tree Protocol on the switch connected to your ITI- 5100G/GF adapters.

2.The port to which the secondary adapter is connected must be the port that blocks.

If there is more than one switch in the spanning tree, be certain that the secondary adapter is not attached to the root switch of the spanning tree. Also, be sure that the port path cost of the switch port connected to the secondary adapter is higher than the other ports in the loop.

Example: In the following redundant switch configuration, the switch port connected to adapter #2 must have the highest port path cost of any of the four ports in the loop:

Inter-switch path is required for loop condition. Loop ports need lower path cost

Switch port to secondary adapter must have highest path cost to block

Figure 8: Dual Homing Path Costs

3.Create the /etc/redund.alt1 file.

Switch port to active adapter needs lower path cost

4.Use your regular text editor to put the number " 0 ", the instance number of the primary adapter, into the file /etc/redund.alt1 .

Put the number " 0 " in the file, without spaces or blank lines.

5.If you are finished with all optional configuration, reboot the system.

LSI Logic Corporation

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