Video/Audio Connections
Video: If your camcorder or VCR has an S-Video connector, use it for better video
To select S-Video, launch Adobe Premiere 4.2 LE. Select File, then Capture, then
Movie Capture. A new menu item appears: Movie Capture. Select the Video Input
command in this menu. Choose Source in the pop-up menu and S-Video in the Input
pop-up menu. Click OK.
Input Devices: Connect the ‘OUT’ connectors of your camcorder, VCR, DVD,
etc., into the ‘IN’ side of the Buz Box.
Output Devices: (Output devices are not necessary for Buz to function properly.)
Connect the ‘OUT’ connectors from the Buz Box to the ‘IN’ connectors on your
output device (VCR or other). If a television is hooked to your VCR you’ll be able to
monitor output. Consult your VCR and TV manuals to select the proper channels to
view video from an external source like Buz.
"OUT" Side
"IN" Side VCR or TV

Typical Camcorder, Buz, VCR/TV Hookup
