Chapter 4 | Staying organized | 65

HP viewer shows your Pocket Outlook information quickly.

HP viewer uses the same font settings as Pocket Internet Explorer. Changing the font or
font size in Pocket Internet Explorer will also change the way information is displayed in
HP viewer.
You can quickly switch from HP viewer to Pocket Outlook to
look at the selected date in all Calendar views.

To switch to Pocket Outlook

1. On the Go menu, tap the appropriate program or
HP viewer displays the current date and your next scheduled
appointment below the toolbar in the Today Banner of the
HP viewer window. To quickly view detailed information
about the appointment, tap the appointment title in the
Today Banner.

To switch between Calendar, Contacts, and Task


1. Tap the appropriate icon on the left side of the
HPî‚ viewer window.
Viewing Calendar information
HP viewer lets you view your calendar in Day, Week, Month,
or n-Month view.