User’s Guide
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HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Getting started
HP Jornada hardware features
Getting started
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Setting up your HP Jornada
To install the main battery
Installing the main battery
Connecting the AC adapter
To connect to AC power
Activating the backup battery
To activate the backup battery
Using the stylus and touch screen
Following the Welcome Wizard
To adjust screen brightness and contrast
To calibrate the touch screen
Calibrating the touch screen
Selecting your Home City
Setting the World Clock
Adding owner information
Configure modem for your country
Using your HP Jornada
Using the Start menu and Taskbar
Welcome to Microsoft Windows CE
Using the command bars
Using Help on your HP Jornada
Turning your HP Jornada on and off
Using the HP Jornada keyboard
To open HP settings
Using HP Jornada settings
Using the audio buttons
Connecting to your 3 desktop PC
Connecting for the first time
Connecting to your desktop PC
Installing Windows CE Services
To install Windows CE Services
Connecting by serial connection
To connect using the docking cradle
To connect directly without the docking cradle
Establishing a partnership
Following the New Partnership Wizard
Troubleshooting partnerships
To start the Communications Troubleshooter
To close the connection
Connecting to your desktop partner
To enable automatic connection
To connect manually
To configure Windows CE Services for infrared connection
Connecting by infrared
Connecting to another PC
To configure your HP Jornada for infrared connection
To establish an infrared connection
Browsing your HP Jornada desktop
Synchronizing data
To specify data to synchronize
Synchronizing selected data
Resolving synchronization conflicts
To set a default option for conflict resolution
Synchronizing e-mail messages
Synchronizing from a remote location
Any folders or drives you want to access must be shared
Accessing a computer on your corporate network
Accessing a computer not on a network
To start remote synchronization
To create a Remote Networking connection
To set file conversion options
Transferring files
Migrating data from older Windows CE palmtop PCs
Connecting to your desktop PC
Migrating data from non-Windows CE palmtops
To translate appointment data
To translate a Phone Book data file
Connecting to your desktop PC
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Staying organized
To create a new appointment
Using Microsoft Pocket Outlook
Keeping appointments with Calendar
To start Pocket Outlook
On the File menu, tap New Appointment
To create a meeting request
To create a new contact
Managing names and addresses with Contacts
To create a new task
Keeping track of your workload with Tasks
Using HP viewer
Managing your e-mail with Inbox
To start HP viewer
To switch to Pocket Outlook
To switch between Calendar, Contacts, and Task information
Viewing Calendar information
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Capturing data with HP quick pad
Viewing Contacts information
Viewing Tasks information
To save information in HP quick pad
To start HP quick pad
To organize information for use in other programs
Recording and playing voice memos
To record a voice memo without opening your HP Jornada
To play a voice memo without opening your HP Jornada
Conserving memory
Getting down 5 to business
Working with Microsoft Pocket Office
Using Microsoft Pocket Word
Using Microsoft Pocket PowerPoint
To create a document using Pocket Word
To start Pocket Word
To start Pocket PowerPoint
To show a presentation
To show a slide presentation on a VGA-compatible monitor
To start Pocket Excel
Using Microsoft Pocket Excel
Using Microsoft Pocket Access
To create a workbook using Pocket Excel
To create a new database and table
Getting down to business
Using Microsoft InkWriter
Printing your Pocket Office documents
To print directly to a printer via infrared
Using Windows CE Services Backup at your PC
Backing up and restoring data
To create an InkWriter document
To back up data
Using the HP Jornada backup application
To restore from a backup file
Using OmniSolve from Landware
Using bFAX Pro from bSquare
To start OmniSolve
To start bFAX Pro
To start bFIND
Using bFIND from bSquare
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Accessing e-mail Web
Which connection options are right for you?
Deciding how and why you want to connect
Installing and configuring a modem
Accessing personal e-mail and the Internet
Getting an account with an Internet service provider
Setting up a dial-up connection to your ISP
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Fill in your E-mail service information
Location information
Connecting the telephone line
To create your connection profile
To connect an analog telephone line to your HP Jornada
To connect to your ISP
To disconnect from your ISP
Connecting to corporate e-mail and network from offsite
Establishing a network dial-up account
Setting up a remote connection to your network
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Accessing e-mail and the Web
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
To create your connection profile
To connect to your network
To connect the telephone line to your HP Jornada
To disconnect from the network
Connecting to corporate e-mail and network resources onsite
Establishing an account or guest privileges on the network
Installing the network interface card NIC
To configure the NIC
Connecting the network cable and logging on
To log on to the network with your HP Jornada
Creating and modifying connections
To access a file on a network
To modify an existing connection or location
To create an additional connection or location
To set up a Remote Networking connection
Using Inbox
Using your connections
To set up e-mail service Internet Mail
Sending, receiving, and processing your e-mail
To connect to your service provider from Inbox
Accessing e-mail and the Web
To save attachments automatically to a storage card
Accessing e-mail and the Web
To browse the Web or your intranet
Retrieving your CompuServe mail
HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Optimizing your HP Jornada
Adding programs, fonts, sounds, and images
Installing programs
To install software
To add or remove programs with Application Manager
Removing programs
Adding fonts
To add desktop wallpaper
Adding sounds
Adding desktop wallpaper
To add fonts
Using PC Cards and CompactFlash Cards
Installing a PC Card or CompactFlash Card
To remove a PC Card
To install a PC Card
To remove a CompactFlash Card
To install a CompactFlash Card
To create an auto run file
Using the auto run feature
Managing memory
To adjust memory allocation
Tips for conserving memory
To refresh your system memory
To set Recycle Bin options
Main battery
Managing battery power
To replace the main battery
Backup battery
Using the Power control panel
To replace the backup battery
To open the Power control panel
Conserving battery power
Checking battery status
To set or shorten auto-suspend time
Setting auto-suspend
Setting power on options
To set power on options
Setting the dimming control
Other tips for conserving battery power
To set automatic dimming
Fine-tuning performance
Setting general options
To open Control Panel
Optimizing your HP Jornada
Customizing the HP hot keys and hard icons
Using the HP settings application
To start the HP hot keys application
To assign a program or file to a hot key or hard icon
Changing HP settings profiles
Setting brightness, contrast, and volume
To change profiles
Displaying power and memory information
Adding owner information
To set a password
Password control panel
To set the Password Delay Timer
Traveling with your HP Jornada
What to take with you
Before you leave
About system macros
Using HP macro
Starting HP macro
To start HP macro
Keep the unit clean
Follow general safety precautions
Maintaining your HP Jornada
Avoid radiated interference
Troubleshooting basic problems
Avoid high temperatures
Avoid damage
Managing battery power section
There is insufficient program memory or
HP viewer seems Contacts, Calendar, and Tasks databases
There is a clicking sound heard on the telephone line
Troubleshooting remote connections
Unable to dial out using the modem
Able to dial out, but unable to make a proper connection
Infrared transfer between Windows CE-based devices
Connection is unreliable
Screen is dark
Screen is blank
To perform a soft reset
Soft reset
To perform a full reset
Full reset
Limited one-year warranty
What is covered
What is not covered
For consumers in Australia
Year 2000 warranty
Customer support
For consumers in New Zealand
Web site
Contacting Hewlett-Packard worldwide
Warranty, support, and service ï
170 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
What is RSI?
Setting up and using equipment
Avoiding RSI
RSI symptoms
Setting up your working environment
What causes RSI?
Reducing eye strain
Preventing muscle stiffness
Taking frequent short breaks
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176 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Mime Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
178 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Glossary ï
180 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Index ï
Index ï
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Index ï
188 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
Index ï
190 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
HP software product license agreement
HP shrink-wrap license terms
194 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide
License agreement ï
196 ï HP Jornada 680/680e User’s Guide