Inspecting the unit prior to installation is the responsibility of the installer or building contractor who acts on behalf of the user. They are responsible for ensuring the unit is free of defect or damage. Notices are placed on and in the unit and on the shipping carton advising the installer of this responsibility. In the event of a problem, the unit must not be installed. The Company is not responsible for failures or damage that could have been discovered, repaired, or avoided by proper inspection and testing prior to installation.

Damage occurring in transit is the responsibility of the carrier. The user or installer MUST open the crate and inspect the unit for damage when it is delivered. If damage is discovered, it must be reported immediately to the seller and the carrier in writing, and an inspection requested. Failure of the carrier to respond should be reported to the seller and the carrier. Your freight claims should be filed promptly thereafter.

It is the responsibility of the installer, building contractor, or user to provide access for service. The Company is not responsible for any costs relating to obtaining access for repair. The user shall bear such costs and, if appropriate, must seek recovery from the installer.

Damage occurring to the unit during installation is the responsibility of the installer and/or building contractor and damage occurring thereafter is the responsibilityoftheuser.

Failure of any optional equipment is the sole responsibility of the equipment manufacturer. (Options and accessories manufactured by the Company are warranted for ninety (90) days from the original date of purchase for parts only.)

TheDistributororDealerisresponsibleforknowinglocalcoderequirementsandnotifyingtheinstallingcontractorand/oruseroftheserequirementsatthe time of purchase. The Company is not responsible for costs to modify any product to obtain any code approval, such as city, county, or state building codes in U.S.A. or municipal or provincial codes in Canada.


For the customer's benefit, the Company maintains a list of independent service personnel to perform required warranty service repairs. Such firms are not agents or representatives of the Company and cannot bind the Company by words or conduct.

TheCompanywillprovidethewarrantyservicedescribedabovewhenthefollowingconditionshavebeenmet:thefailureisofthenatureortypecovered bythewarranty;theuserhasinformedanAuthorizedJacuzziWhirlpoolBathServiceAgentorWarrantyServiceDepartmentRepresentativeofthenatureofthe problemduringthewarrantyperiod;conclusiveevidence(e.g.,proofofpurchaseorinstallation)isprovidedtotheforegoing bytheuserprovingthatthefailure occurredorwasdiscoveredwithinthewarrantyperiod;anauthorizedindependentservicepersonorCompanyrepresentativehasbeenpermittedtoinspectthe unitduringregularbusinesshourswithinareasonabletimeaftertheproblemwasreportedbytheuser.

In order to obtain warranty service, consult your local telephone book for the location of the nearest Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath Authorized Service Agent. Describe the problem and the Authorized Service Agent will inspect the unit and provide the required warranty service.

If you are unable to contact a Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath Authorized Service Agent, call or write: Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath

Warranty Service Department

P.O. Box 702168

Dallas, TX 75370-2168

Call: 1-(800) 288-4002

Toobtainwarrantyreplacementforfactory-installedcomponentsforCompanysuppliedoptionsandaccessoriesmanufacturedandsuppliedbytheCompany, call or write the above. Provide a description of the problem and proof of purchase. You will be instructed how to obtain replacements and where to return, at your expense, the failed component(s), option(s), or accessory(ies).


The Company's warranty obligation shall be discharged upon tender of replacement or repair. The customer's refusal to accept the tender terminates the Company's warranty obligation.

Jacuzzi Whirlpool Bath© BZ00000 03/05


Parts Only

Limited Warranty




Parts Only

Limited Warranty




7. What is the age of the head of the household?years 8. What other manufacturers did you consider? ( ) Eljer ( ) Lasco ( ) Price Pfister ( ) Aqua Glass ( ) Kohler ( ) American Standard ( ) Sterling ( ) Other (Specify) 9. How long did you shop before purchasing unit? ( ) 1 day( ) 2 months - 6 months ( ) 2 - 7 days( ) 6 months - 1 year ( ) 1 week - 2 weeks ( ) 1 year - 2 years ( ) 2 weeks - 4 weeks ( ) +2 years ( ) 1 month - 2 months 10. Approximately how long have you lived in this home? 11. Please indicate, approximately, the total annual income of your household. ( ) Up to $24,999 ( ) $50,000 to $74,999 ( ) $25,000 to $29,999 ( ) $75,000 to $99,999 ( ) $30,000 to $39,999 ( ) $100,000 to $149,999 ( ) $40,000 to $49,999 ( ) $150,000 and Above 12. Was your purchase process? ( ) Very easy ( ) Easy ( ) Difficult ( ) Very Difficult 13. How technically aware were you of the patented Jacuzzi® jet system prior to your purchase? ( ) Not aware ( ) Somewhat aware ( ) Very aware

This card must be filled out and returned to the address printed on the other side within thirty (30) days from date of purchase in order for this warranty to be come effective. Purchaser's Name Purchaser's Address CityState Zip Date of Purchase Model Name Serial Number Dealer's Name Dealer's Address 1. How did you first hear about this Jacuzzi® product? ( ) Advertisement ( ) Article in Magazine/Newspaper ( ) Visited Dealer/Plumbing Supplier ( ) Yellow Pages ( ) Builder/Plumber/Remodeler ( ) Decorator/Architect ( ) Visited Retailer/Home Center Store ( ) Word of Mouth . . . Friend/Relative/Acquaintance ( ) Other (Please Describe) 2. Who first gave you specific information about this product (specifications, prices, etc.)? ( ) Dealer/Plumbing Supplier ( ) Builder ( ) Remodeler ( ) Plumbing Contractor ( ) Retailer/Home Center Store ( ) Decorator/Architect ( ) Already Installed 3. What was the main reason for purchase? ( ) Styling ( ) Warranty Service ( ) Product Features ( ) Brand Name ( ) Price ( ) Hydrotherapy ( ) Home Resale ( ) Other 4. Who finally decided which product you would buy? ( ) Self ( ) Spouse ( ) Self and Spouse Together ( ) Other Family Member ( ) Designer/Architect ( ) Builder/Plumber/Remodeler ( ) Already Installed 5. Who installed? ( ) Already installed/New Home ( ) Contractor/Plumber when remodeling ( ) Self/Spouse when remodeling ( ) Other 6. What is the current market value of this property? Please estimate $

Warranty Registration Card

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Jacuzzi BZ00000 operating instructions Warranty Registration Card