attention new spa Owner!
Congratulations on the purchase of your new Jacuzzi® spa! The
following is a list of automated functions performed by your spa. These
functions are listed below in an attempt to suppress any operational
concerns you may have during the rst 24 hours of ownership! Also listed
below are important maintenance recommendations you should observe
on a regular basis to protect your new investment.
automated spa Operations
Your new spa is equipped with an automated “clean-up” cycle that
clears all plumbing lines daily to promote maximum water sanitation.
Each day at 12:00 PM (noon), each pump will activate and run for one
minute. If either pump has just nished a 20 minute time out, it will not
automatically activate for the clean-up cycle. Be aware, the factory
programmed clean-up cycle cannot be canceled or altered!
maintain Healthy spa water
Always maintain your spa’s water chemistry within the following
parameters as dened by the Association of Pool And Spa Professionals/
pH 7.4-7.6
Free chlorine 3.0-4.0 ppm
Free bromine 2.0-4.0 ppm
Total Alkalinity 100-120 ppm
Calcium Hardness 150-250 ppm
! TO DeCrease rIsK OF InFeCTIOn Or DIsease! Always maintain
your spa lter as outlined below to ensure healthy spa water. Refer to
pages 66-67 (sec. 14.0) for additional information.
required Filter maintenance
Your new spa is equipped with an advanced water ltration system that
provides unsurpassed water quality! To ensure maximum water quality
at all times, you should clean the skimming lter cartridge every three
months, or as necessary. See pages 66-68 (sec. 14.0) for detailed lter
cartridge cleaning instructions.
required water replacement
! TO DeCrease rIsK OF InFeCTIOn Or DIsease! You should
replace the spa’s water every 3 months. The frequency depends on a
number of variables including frequency of use, number of users and
attention paid to water quality maintenance. You will know it is time for a
change when you cannot control sudsing and/or you can no longer get
the normal feel or sparkle to the water, even though the key water
balance measurements are all within the proper parameters. See pages
71-73 (sec. 15.0) for additional information.