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J-400 Series
CauTIOn: Never store hot tub chemicals inside the hot tub’s
equipment bay. The equipment bay may reach elevated tempera-
tures, this is where high voltage electronic devices are located. This
area is not intended for storage of any kind.
15.1 pH Control
pH is a measure of relative acidity or alkalinity of water and is measured
on a scale of 0 to 14. The midpoint of 7 is said to be neutral, above which
is alkaline and below which is acidic. In spa water, it is very important
to maintain a slightly alkaline condition of 7.4 to 7.6. Problems become
proportionately severe the further outside of this range the water gets.
A low pH will be corrosive to metals in the spa equipment. A high pH will
cause minerals to deposit on the interior surface (scaling). In addition,
the ability of the sanitation agents to keep the spa clean is severely
affected as the pH moves beyond the ideal range. That is why almost all
spa water test kits contain a measure for pH as well as sanitizer.
15.2 sanitizing
To destroy bacteria and organic compounds in the spa water, a sanitizer
must be used regularly. Chlorine and bromine are the two most popular
sanitizers used to date. The “Proclear” Mineral Spa Clarier” designed
especially for your hot tub is a benecial product for water maintenance.
Many other additives are available for your spa. Some are necessary to
compensate for out-of-balance water; some aid in cosmetic water treatment
and others simply alter the feel or smell of the water. Your authorized Jacuzzi
dealer can advise you on the use of these additives. When adding spa
shock (chlorine or non-chlorine) or pH balancing chemicals activate the
jets pump(s) and leave the spa cover open for a minimum of 20 minutes.
By doing this you will allow excessive chemical vapors to exit the spa,
protecting pillows and plastic knobs from chemical attack.
warnInG: risk oF Personal inJury, Drowning
Or enTraPmenT!
Never leave your hot tub unattended for any reason while the
cover is open and accessible, especially to small children and
CauTIOn: rIsK OF PersOnal InJurY Or sPa DamaGe!
Never add chlorine tablets (trichlor) or acid to your hot tub for
any reason! These chemical may damage components within
your hot tub, burn or irritate your skin, create a rash and void
the manufacturer warranty for your spa.
15.3 Other additives
Many other additives are available for your spa. Some are necessary
to compensate for out-of-balance water, some aid in cosmetic water
treatment and others simply alter the feel or smell of the water. Your
authorized Jacuzzi dealer can advise you on the use of these additives.