7. Configuring the Camera
7.1. RS-232C control.
All configuration of the
Below is the description of the ASCII based short command protocol.
Communication setting. |
| |
| Baud Rate | 9600 bps |
| 1 CD |
| |||
| 4 DTR |
| Data Length | 8 bit |
| |
| RS 232C cable |
| 6 DSR | 9 pin | ||
| |||||
| Start Bit | 1 bit |
| TXD |
| 2 RXD | ||
| ||||||
| RXD |
| 3 TXD | PC COM | ||
| ||||||
| Stop Bit | 1 bit |
| ||||||||
| GND | 5 GND | |||||||
| 7 RTS | PORT |
| Parity | None |
| ||
| |||
| 8 CTS |
| ||
| |||
| Xon/Xoff Control | None |
| 9 CI |
Fig. 24. RS-232C cable.
Transmit setting to camera:
NN=[Parameter]<CR><LF> (NN is any kind of command. Capital or small letters.)
To have all communication visible on the emulator screen, start with:
The camera answers:
Transmit the following to see the current parameter for a command:
NN?<CR><LF> (NN is any commands with parameters.)
The camera answers: NN=[Parameter]
Transmit the following to see the current camera settings:
The camera returns the current parameter settings.
Transmit the following to get command list help:
The camera returns a complete command list.
Unknown commands send to camera: (XY is unknown command).
The camera answers: 01 Unknown Command!!<CR><LF>
Invalid parameters send to camera: (99 is invalid parameter for SH).
The camera answers: 02 Bad Parameters!!<CR><LF>
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