Ordinary Sewing Setting Mo de
q Auto thread tension
You can adjust the auto thread tension level by pressing
the “+” or “–” key.
w Low bobbin thread warning
You can adjust the low bobbin thread warning level by
pressing the “+” or “–” key.
To turn off the low bobbin thread warning, press the “–”
key until “OFF” shows in the window.
e Needle stop position
The machine always stops with the needle in the down
position except when sewing buttonholes, specialty
stitches, monograms, etc. However you can change the
needle stop position to up by pressing the needle up key.
The machine stops with the needle in the down
position if Foot-up key option is turned on, even if the
needle stop position is set to up position.
r Drop feed option
Turn this option on if you wish to sew decorative stitches
and sewing applications with the feed dog down.
Press the drop feed key to turn on this option.
Press the next page key to show the next menu.
t Foot height for pivoting
When the foot up option is turned on, the presser foot will
automatically go up when the machine stops.
The height of the foot in the up position can be adjusted
by pressing the “+” key or “–” key in accordance with
thickness of the fabrics.
y Foot pressure
The foot pressure is automatically optimized but you can
adjust the foot pressure manually by pressing the “+” key
or “–” key.
u Variable zigzag sensitivity
You can adjust the amount of needle swing against
the knee lifter movement for variable zigzag in sewing
Press the “–” key so the needle swings a small amount
when moving the knee lifter.
Press the “+” key so the needle swings a large amount
when moving the knee lifter.
Press the next page key to show the next menu.