Thread cutting
There are 3 thread cutting options for embroidery.
!0 Jump thread cutting length
When this option is turned on, the machine trims the jump
threads if the jump thread length is the same or more
than the set value.
!1 Cut at color change/end
When this option is turned on, the machine trim the
thread when it stops to change the thread to the next
col or.
!2 Cutting command
When this option is turned on, the machine trim the
threads at the trim code if the imported stitch data file
contains a trim command (cutting command).
!3 Easy setting
When this setting is turned on, the machine will trim the
threads if the jump thread is 3 mm or longer, or when the
machine stops to change the thread to the next color.
Press the OK key to confirm the easy setting.
!4 Advanced setting
When this setting is turned on, you can configure the
Jump thread cutting !0, Cut at color change/end !1, an d
Cutting Command !2 options individually.
Press the OK key to confirm the advanced setting.
i Hoop calibration
You can calibrate the center position of the hoops.
You need to enter embroidery mode before opening the
embroidery setting window.
Extend the carriage arm and press the Yes key.
i-1 Yes key
The carriage moves to the center position.
Press the hoop selection key to open the hoop selection
wind ow.
i-2 Hoop selection key
Select the hoop and attach it to the carriage. Set the
template in the hoop.
Adjust the hoop position by pressing the jog keys so that
the needle is right above the hole in the template and
press the OK key.
o Grid line on/off
Turn this option on to show grid in the editing window.
The grid size can be altered from 10 to 30 mm with the “+”
or “−” key when this option is on.
Turn this option off to hide the grid.
Press the next page key to go to the next menu.