Rolled Hem
q Straight Stitch
Rolled hemming with straight stitch
w Zigzag Stitch
Rolled hemming with narrow zigzag stitch
e 4 mm & 6 mm
Rolled hemming using optional rolled hemming feet D1
and D2
0.6 cm
0.6 cm
5 cm0.3 cm
To se w:
Attach the rolled hem foot D.
Fold the fabric edge twice to form a hem, 0.3 cm (1/8˝)
wide and 5 cm (2˝) long then press.
Place the fabric aligning the hem edge with the guide of
the foot. Turn the hand wheel to lower the needle to the
starting point.
Lower the foot and sew several stitches slowly while
pulling on the threads to assist feeding the fabric.
Stop the machine and lower the needle into the fabric.
Raise the foot and insert the folded portion of the fabri c
into the curl of the foot.
Lower the foot and sew while lifting the edge of the fabric
to keep it feeding into the curl smoothly and evenly.
Trim the corners 0.6 cm (1/4˝) to reduce bulk.