IThe oven rackscan becleaned inthe oven. However,the oven rackswilldiscolor, loseshininess,and becomedifficultto slidein and out if leftin the ovenduringthe cleaningprocess. REMOVE RACKS FROM OVEN IF THIS DISCOLORATION WILL BE OBJECTIONABLE.As a suggestiondo, notleavethe racksin the oven duringthe
Steps to Follow for Self-Cleaning Process
*Omit steps4 you wish cleaningto beginimmediately.
To set oven to start cleaning immediately
1.Close the ovendoor.
2.TouchClean Pad of ovento be cleaned.
IndicatorWords Clean Time willflash and Displaywill show" HR : __ __".
Note WW30430Owners; The
3. Touch the appropriate number pad(s)•
The first numberpad touchedwill enter "3:00"in the Displayfor an average soiled oven. The cleaningtimecan bevaried dependingonthe amountof soil. Set "2:00" for light soil or "4:00" for heavy soil.
Note; If more than fifteen seconds elapses between touching a Clean Pad and touching a numberpad,the oven is notset andtime of day will automaticallyreturn to the Display.
Example: Ifat 9o'clockyouselectedto
Fifteensecondsafter entering"3:00"orfoursecondsafterenteringa differenttime, the ovendoorwillstarttoautomaticallylatchand thecoolingfanwillcomeon. The LOCKIndicatorWordwillcomeon whenthe door is latched.
Note: If oven door was left open, "door"will flash in Displayand a signal will continuouslybeep untilthe dooris closedand the Clean Pad is touched.
The IndicatorWordON comesonwhenthe dooris latchedandwillremainuntilthe cleantemperatureis reached.The IndicatorWordON willcyclewiththeelements