Whenthe ovencontrolsaresetto CLEAN,the oven heatsto temperaturesthatare higher than those used for cooking. The high temperaturescause food soil to burn off and substantiallydisappear. While this occurs, a device in the oven vent helpsto consume normalamountsefsmoke, The ovenisventedthroughan openingunderthecontrolpanel. Note WW30430Owners: Both ovens cannotbe self-cleanedat the same time.

Removethe broilerpanandany other utensilsfromthe oven. These utensilscannot withstandthe hightemperaturesof the cleaning process.

Clean spattersand spillsfromthoseareas whichwill not be cleanedduringthe self- cleaning process:

-centerfrontof ovenand door nearopeningindoor , _--_... / //_ ] gasket.

-porcelainoven door liner (areaoutsidethe door gasket).

-oven front frame.

Note: DO NOT CLEAN serial plate located on the oven front. To clean these areas, use hot water and

detergent, nonabrasivecleansers or soap filled steel wool pads.Rinsethoroughly,beingcarefulnottousean

excessiveamountof waterthatwoulddampenthe doorgasket. Soilleft in theseareas will be more difficultto remove after theself-cleaningprocesssince the high heat will bake on any soil that is present.DO NOTUSE COMMERCIALOVEN CLEANERS TO CLEANTHESEAREAS.


DOOR.ThegasketisessentialforagooddoorseaL Rubbingorcleaningwilldamage the gasket and may affectthe seal.

Wipe up excessgreaseand food spilloverswhich have net baked on the bottomof theoven. Largeaccumulationsofsoilcancauseheavysmokeorfire intheovendudng the cleaningprocess. For easeof cleaning,the heatingelementcan be liftedslightly.

Although smokeor fire in the oven is a normal occurrenceand there is no safety problem,there will be ventingof excessivesmoke and odor.

The oven racks can be cleanedin the oven. However,the oven rackswill discolor, lose shininess,and becomedifficultto slide in and out if left in the oven duringthe cleaningprocess. REMOVERACKSFROMOVEN IF THISDISCOLORATIONWILL BE OBJECTIONABLE.As asuggestion,donot leavethe racksinthe ovenduringthe self-cleaningprocessif theydonot needto be cleanedsincetheywill discolorto a dull silverafteronecleaning. Moderatelysoiledrackscanbe cleanedwithasoapyS.O.S. pad or Scotch-Britescour pad. Stubborn stains need to be removed in the self- cleaningprocess. Be sureto readspecialtips on page32 if oven racks arecleaned duringthe self-cleaningprocess.


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Jenn-Air WM27430P, W30400P manual